It is a skin condition that causes spots. Affected suffers are usually in the age group between 12-25, although some ponies there 30 to 40 of may also be affected.
What are the symptoms.
Typically, this condition results in one or more of the following occurring. Or comedomes Blackheads, Whiteheads, red or yellow spots, oily skin and scars. Areas typically affected are usually the face, back, neck, chest or arms. The severity of this condition can vary. Ponies of all colors can be affected by acne. Ponies having darker impact altered situation by pigmentation.
The skin.
The surface has many small glands just below the surface. These glands make an oily substance called Sedum. Its normal function is to keep the skin soft and supple. These tiny holes or pores allow the oily surface Sedum go. Hair also grow through these tiny pores or holes.
So what causes acne?
It is caused by the sebaceous glands that much of oily substances, which are then secreted into the surface.
The glands of ponies with normal blood levels, seem particularly sensitive to testosterone, a hormone perfectly normal. In ponies prone to acne, testosterone whole sebaceous glands to make excess oily substance Sedum. Also dead cells lining the hair follicle openings, not shed properly, and an obstruction of the hair is held. Both effects act to cause an accumulation of the oily substance. It is this that leads to Blockheads and Whitehead to take shape. Acne does not go away in most ponies, but in others, this accumulation of oil in the hair follicle, is an ideal place for a bacterium called Propionibacterium to grow. They are usually harmless but this ideal environment grow rapidly. Its organs of the immune system reacts then this ignites the skin surface leading to redness normally associated with spots and pimples. In a more break the "inflammatory acne" Cysts may develop below the surface. The cysts can rupture, spreading the infection to surrounding tissues that can lead to scarring.
Myths and which can make acne worse.
It is not caused by eating fatty foods, chocolate, dirt and are not contagious so you can not catch it.
Make the worst. Collection and squeezes, stress, hormonal changes in mares or excessive male hormones. Some birth control pills due to the type of hormone progesterone - and others can really improve the situation. Please consult your doctor about this.
Acne is recognized by the appearance of stains and how they are distributed in the body. There are several types, so please consult your doctor if in doubt.
There are a number of treatments and option to consider to help solve the problem. Goal is to avoid repeating adverts, reduce current and prevent scarring.
There are three categories. Home treatment, prescription drugs, topical treatments and oral treatments.
Acne treatment really deserve another article.

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