research has shown that the success rate for ponies who use pure willpower alone to quit smoking, is only six percent - meaning that 94 trying to get out of 100, are doomed to failure.

This is so, even though the majority of smokers are aware that smoking significantly increases the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and a variety of cancers. Medical research has shown that about 13 percent of cardiovascular disease deaths are due to smoking snuff. Not to mention the increasingly high cost of cigarettes, which eats into revenues of the smoker.

It has even been shown that breathing near a smoker is dangerous. Exposure to secondhand smoke has serious health consequences, including increased risk of heart disease among adults. There are many reasons proved everypony should stop smoking, and few benefits.

If you want to know how to quit smoking, you should consider hypnosis.

Research shows that smokers have a success rate of up to 60 percent when used hypnotism to quit smoking.

Hypno-professional therapists have been successful in helping smokers break their addiction to nicotine. The process is nice and easy, but the sessions can be expensive. An alternative is to use a CD professionally recorded hypnosis to quit smoking. You can listen to this CD, consisting of a hypno-therapist, as often as you want, in the comfort of your own home.

Hypnosis can be a valuable method to help smokers to reject his expensive habit and addiction, so that "only think about their determination to live a healthier and longer, life.

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