There is always a rise of glucose in the bloodstream, such as eating a carbohydrate-rich meal, there is a compensatory increase in insulin secretion from the pancreas. With time, and then constantly high consumption of carbohydrates, insulin excess becomes a constant in the bloodstream. This condition is known as hyperinsuliemia, which, in turn, causes high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.

This last condition is important health problem for several reasons - is very common, its consequences are widespread and relatively mcontraene silent and undiagnosed until late in their course of cardiovascular damage.

Hypertension is one of the most important risk factors for both coronary heart disease and stroke. It can also lead to congestive heart failure, aortic dissection (a hole in the aorta) and renal failure.

Blood pressure is determined by cardiac or ccontradad blood pumped by the heart beating, and total peripheral resistance, which is a measure of the ease with which blood is pumped to distant organs of the body.

Excess insulin is an underlying factor in the high blood pressure, which can cause atherosclerosis. This condition is an accumulation of harmful material called plaque inside width reduces the arteries and reduces blood flow easier. Moreover, excess insulin damaged lining the blood vessels decreases its elasticity. A decrease in the elasticity makes the heart work harder to pump blood throughout the cardiovascular system.

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