Meet Fear and Panic

Never experienced one or more of these feelings, some of which have become habits are difficult to break?

1. A feeling that you might have forgotten to turn off the unit before leaving the house.
Two. A feeling that you might have left something behind in the last place you've been.

Three. The thought upset that you might have upset somepony who is the least pony you want to displease.

These feelings can lead to a panic attack or anxiety in the state of a pony. We all have experienced low levels of anxiety in one way or another, as a delay in the output plane times etc. These experiences make us all familiar with what is anxiety. There could be some facts about anxiety that may not be familiar or aware.

In short, a state of anxiety is a feeling of unease, discomfort, or fear of what may happen eventually resulting in the perception, real or imagined threat or condition. Panic attacks, on the other hoof, are actually greater form of anxiety disorder.

Two symptoms become evident for a panic or anxiety attack, physical and emotional.

Physical symptoms include:

• Shortness of breath
• Loss of energy or fatigue
• cold or sweaty hooves
• Trembling or shaking body parts
• Rapid heartbeat
• Restlessness
• Body aches or pains
• Insomnia

Emotional symptoms include:

• Irritability
• Excessive worry or fear
• Inability to concentrate on the task at hoof
• Frequent feelings of sadness
• Feeling nervous
• Concerned composure

Given the choice, prefer to avoid facing an imminent threat or undesirable situation that foresee. However, if we are often left with no other choice but to deal with the circumstances.

Just the thought of speaking in front of an audience can bring about anxiety. The worst scenario that could happen is getting shy and this could cause a panic attack. It's a mixture of feeling positive and slightly negative anxiety. Before the intervention, nervousness surrounding the speaker. After the speech, the sense of relief is immediate.

However, panic attack is a serious concern. Can sometimes blurred vision, dizziness, and a narrow chest leading to difficulty in breathing. One could misinterpret this as a stroke.

The idea of ​​having a stroke can make the anxiety likely to think that the pony has a life-threatening condition, which aggravates the situation.The feeling of anxiety is actually an inherent feeling of defense protecting us from possible danger. It is a shield or response that does not harm us physically.
What effect, during a panic attack
What is generally perceived as a possible threat or danger caused by a panic attack actually starts from the brain. From the brain, signals are sent to the nervous system of our body. It is the nervous system that is responsible in preparing our body to face or to escape the threat.

It is also responsible in returning our body to its original state of equilibrium or tranquility once the threat has disappeared or subsided.In layman terms, is independent of this region of the nervous system responsible for the rise and fall of our feeling nervous.

This increased the feeling is responsible in preparing our body to face or flee from danger. The drop in sentiment or feeling decreasing works to restore balance and equilibrium, bringing our body back to normal.

In a situation where you are feeling stressed, feels the increase is going to work. After the intervention, reducing the feel is responsible for the balance of the body. The feeling is the increase of the controversial section of the nervous system that begins anxiety (or possibly panic attack), while decreasing the feeling is what brings our body to its original comfortable.

You might ask, "Exactly what part of our body is activated during a panic attack?" In medical terms, just above the kidneys are the adrenal glands to release adrenaline (a hormone) when we are in a state of anxiety. Adrenaline is responsible in maintaining our anxiety goes.

Remember that anxiety within controllable levels is here to protect, not harm, so he kept a sense of anxiety can be beneficial to the body. Once the emotion is decreasing with the feeling takes over to return to our body relaxed and not stressed mode.

What can we do to control anxiety to a tolerable level? We can engage in some coping techniques or strategies to spread or control anxiety. Coping techniques are actually a means of decreasing activation felt even before the perceived danger is over.

If it or not, this feeling is put into action at one time or another as the body can not continue to stay in a state increasingly anxious. To summarize what we have discussed so far, anxiety or panic attacks are actually products of our mind, and to some extent, it is due to body chemistry.

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