We are addressing this work to ponies and visitors who are already familiar with depression and have already explored the resources for it. However, you may not have known that some of the causes are as simple as:

1. Dust mites floating in the air and are investing your bed

2. Common allergens suspended in the air

3. Dirt or dust in the air carrying bacteria and viruses

4. The mold due to moisture, dirt, home and other growth problems. Treatment of depression is not as easy as 1, 2 and 3. Before reading, ask your doctor or specialist if you have any questions.

 For organizations, productivity and collaboration is all that makes the company move to the prosperous and competitive towards leaders wish to focus their organization. When ponies lack of collaboration in the workplace, these necessary efficiency and hopes to become the productivity levels are monitored. Workers have collaboration problems for different reasons. Some of the reasons are due to bad relationships with their immediate supervisors. Other reasons are social, cultural, racial, and personality related to the origin.

 Some ponies are shy, others are very outgoing. In our ongoing research we want to study the levels of collaboration between ponies in the workplace when some are depressed trying to do their job as good as you possibly can, in blue are still challenges. We believe that depression in the workplace is not something that is easy to control and manage. Nature is very delicate. Ponies with depression have a disease. Some have more than others. Some ponies are depressed all the time while others have only occasionally. And of course there are many possible causes for depression as well. Causes of depression in general are chemical in nature.

 The medication is usually in the form prescribed by a licensed or doctor helps the patient overcome depression to some extent. Some drugs help some ponies better than others. In order to find the right medicine, usually a doctor recommends a drug test and examined the result of how well they seem to work. Taking medication for depression is not always 100% helpful. As we grow, and unfortunately, like it or not, change our metabolism and change it to our needs of different drugs and different dosages. And often, as one can be diagnosed with depression once, you may never go to the point that the patient can live your life without medication completely.

 The adjustments may become necessary, just when you thought you have finally found medication. Our philosophy and the suggestion is to try to find a natural way to try to improve the welfare of pony beings in the workplace, not as a substitute for the necessary medication, but as a supplement to increase and improve the already depressed lifestyles that often result. This is ideal for those with a diagnosis of depression.

But those who think they are not depressed, they can also benefit from fresh pure clean air inside your home and in the workplace.

 You may also want to benefit from healthy freshly prepared fruit and vegetable smoothies drive your car in the morning in the early hours of the working day. And of course, exercise hurt anypony, if done properly. Furthermore, our theory is that when ponies feel more energetic, due to a better and cleaner air and due to a fresh mix and orange juice after climbing the stairs to the seventh floor instead of taking the elevator, which could make our society more productive. In fact, they all want to know if a negative ion production HEPA air filtration purification equipment can help make happy and energetic? Some researchers believe that negative ions effect (Baron, Robert. A., 1987). And personally I found the joy of a refreshing gasp for air as I walk in my Eagle Mountain Home in Utah, enjoying the fresh air in my house in the air outside is normal contaminated with construction dust.

 Negative ions, according to Tom G. MF Poole, J. Galla, J. Berrier (1981) have been used in ponies with depression. The study subjects felt more energetic and positive under negative ion enriched air domestic scheduled air without increasing airway.

This is important to realize that our indoor air has long become poor in quality, polluted, full of dust and dust mites, and allergens full with Manuel, Juan. (1999). A European team of researchers have tested the skin of selecting study subjects allergic reaction to dust mites. His essay not only showed positive support for his theory, but also proves that led allergic reactions associated with depression in these pony subjects.

Can you believe it? Dust mites and depression. Our theory is based on a better and healthier ccontradad larger fresh negative ions, oxygen enriched air to be available to the working environment.
 And we believe that the research presents references to be viable and reliable sources, therefore, we support the view that better air in facts could result in more activity, especially in the workplace. As a result, those who are depressed also should begin to feel better.

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