Papaya is a wonderful ally to keep the digestive system running in top condition , due to the large amount of nutrients, enzymes and fiber that it possesses . Its regular use will help you enjoy a healthy stomach as well as protect against diseases such as colon cancer.

The enzyme called papain present in papaya, and is highly known for its ability to process protein we consume besides having properties that help in reducing nausea , for the same reasons it is used in meat tenderizers and as in many supplements to treat digestive problems and soothe the gastrointestinal system irregularities .

The nutrients in papaya have also been shown to help in the prevention of colon cancer . The fiber found in papaya is abundantly able to adhere to toxins that cause this type of cancer in the colon and keep them away from healthy cells . In addition to this , folic acid, vitamins C , E and beta carotene than papaya has also been associated with a reduced risk of developing this cancer .

All of these nutrients provide a beneficial synergistic in protecting cells from free radical colon . By improving the intake of these nutrients through consumption of papaya is highly recommended for those at risk of developing colon cancer.

Finally we should mention that all the nutrients found in papaya help us to maintain a clean and healthy digestive tract , which can help prevent complications in people with conditions such as diverticulitis. Consumption of papaya and many other fiber foods also helps prevent such conditions develop .

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