Whether you're a raw foodist, on a partially raw food diet, raw food vegan, vegan, vegetarian or cooked food eater, this salsa recipe is one of the best I've served. If you're looking for a simple mango salsa recipe, I developed this basic mango salsa recipe and add cucumbers to it for a great twist. This healthy raw recipe is especially good if you have plenty of leftover cucumbers from your garden or containers and are looking for a good way to put them to use.

Salsa can be used in many ways with other foods or just serving it alone. Salsa is one of my favorite raw food recipes. I have served it many times as a side dish and as a topping on many raw food recipes. It can be used as a topping on nori rolls, flax crackers and a variety of raw food dishes, of course it can be used as an accompaniment to many cooked food recipes also.

For this recipe you can easily leave out the cucumber and serve as mango salsa. But the addition of the cucumber makes it a great dish. You can also try it with lemon cucumbers. Fresh mangoes are best, but it you're unable to get them, Trader Joe's stores among others carry frozen mango chunks and you can use them instead, thaw them first. It won't be quite as good though. Organic ingredients are always best so use them if you can.

Ingredients: cucumbers, mangoes, lime juice, orange juice, red onion, mint leaves are optional and sun-dried sea salt. Preparation time about 10 minutes. Equipment: mixing bowl, sharp knife for dicing and citrus juicer.

Use about half of an English cucumber or equivalent measure for other varieties. Finely dice it. Toss in a mixing bowl. Use 2 mangoes without the peels. I cut them by slicing off two sides around the pit and then cutting off the remaining parts. Finely dice the mangoes right in the peel and place in the bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lime juice and one-third cup freshly squeezed orange juice - about one half of an orange depending on the size but measure carefully. Finely chop a small red onion and add it to the bowl. Then if you have fresh mint leaves on hand use about half a bunch to your taste. Mint can be omitted. Add one-half teaspoon of sun-dried sea salt. Mix it all together. You want to make sure to have finely diced the cucumbers and mangoes.
Authentic Mexican salsa recipes usually use tomatoes, garlic, cilantro and chilies. But this sweet salsa mango works well with cucumbers and if you love a sweet salsa this is a good and healthy raw recipe to try whether you're on a raw food diet or not.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Helen_Hecker

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