Weight loss is the least weight of the normal range for age and sex
It is a big problem for children especially in developing countries
We mean here the severe shortage of natural and which requires medical intervention.

And must Learn ÇÎĘě to the virtuous that a newborn child may lose 10%
Of weight, who was born in the first week possible because of the weakness of the breast
Or the loss of part of the fluid ... but it is gaining weight in the second week of his birth, and as we have said previously imposed that any child over weight rate of three-fourths kilo each month in the four months first, then more than half a kilo each month in the four-month second and then a quarter kilo month in the last four months of the first year .. and child in the fifth month and weight Bacon weak weight, who was born and tripled in the end of the first year.

And increases about 2 kg each year from two to 5 years
While increasing the weight of 3 - 3.5 kg in the year in the first stages of the study
There are two types of lack of growth.

And now there are some questions to get to underweight reasons:

 1 - Is it a primary or secondary?

To assess underweight must know Are Hmaanaks of pre-natal or post-natalThe first is characterized by growth failure underweight in pre-natal must be asked about the pregnancy was how much a weekSecondary growth failure is characterized by normal weight at birth in this case must know the dietary pattern of the child to know you is because of the lack of feed (80%) or organic causes (20%)

2 - What is the degree of this failure in growth?

Know by knowing the current ratio between the weight of the child and his natural weight expected for age and gender means, for example, if a child one year old and weighs 5 kg, the current and expected natural weight is 10 kg to the degree of shortfall him is 50%3 - What is the pattern of this lack of growth?

3-Can be evaluated by the ratio of weight to height as follows:

1 - a small child or a very slow growth:In this case weight and height affected child together and seems small for his ageAnd his multiple measurements at intervals of this child can be classified under one of the following:*** As he slowly gaining weight baby for the year or that the growth and you did not gain weight and this is what is called failure to thrive.*** Or that weight influenced by the greater use of length and child here seems tiny and reason in this case to nutrition or chronic diseases.

4 - What is the reason?

To find out why we need to evaluate the clinical and the entry of the child to the hospital and the work of many testsClinical evaluation by a doctor to see feeding pattern, and whether the child was infected with chronic diseases (chronic Kalkha or chronic vomiting or chronic diarrhea), and whether in the family, kids in the same formThe doctor examines the patient to see whether there are mental retardation of the child or the chest, heart and kidney ...... Etc.Admission to hospital for a period of about two weeks, especially in severe cases to observe the child in terms of nutrition and weight gainIn 80% of cases of malnutrition and poverty is improving in the hospital and is gaining weight .... But if the failure of the above resorts doctor to do some tests.Necessary tests based on reason, such as X-normal in cases of chest and heart disease. Sonar on the belly in diseases of the digestive system. Echo on the heart and other tests requested by the doctor after the examination.There fails to cases where all of the above does not reach the doctor to find out why Who shall request Other tests may lead to other results.

Finally, of the reasons for the lack of weight due to nutritional deficiency following:

 1 - as in the cases of deprivation poverty.

2 - family problems such as divorce and depriving the child of one of his parents or parental lack of understanding of proper nutrition for children and other.

3 - Lack of proper nutrition for children such as not to give the baby foods appropriate to him and which contain all the elements required for the year.

4 - loss of appetite, constant vomiting or child eat strange things such as paint or mud walls all this adversely affect it.

5 - poor hygiene and infectious diseases all this plays a role in weight gain child

This very briefly the most important What should we know about the problems of underweight

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