Is there anyone who knows that he has suffered an outbreak of acne? Each of us has at one time or another experienced the shame and pain of having zits or pimples.One of the things that turn relief medications are available over the counter. If we still treat acne after those resources, then they may have to see a doctor who will prescribe stronger medications.Many of these medications will help control your acne.

But while they may alleviate the symptoms of acne, also have side effects that can be as uncomfortable as acne trying to get rid of.Benzoyl peroxide is a common ingredient in many over the odds acne products.

It causes dry skin skin. Redness and irritation can also occur. However, your skin will adjust after several applications over time.Retin-A or Tretinoin, only one acne medication prescription, can cause the skin to become red, swollen or crusted.
Some people also experience changes in skin color. These problems should disappear with continued use or when treatment is interrupted.Retin-A can cause skin to become sensitive to natural or artificial sunlight. Therefore, while you are using Retin-A, the doctors recommend a sunscreen to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.Doctors may prescribe antibiotics such as tetracycline in the fight against acne-causing bacteria. Tetracycline can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dizziness and headache in some people. Additionally, acne bacteria may develop resistance to antibiotics, and when this happens, tetracycline can not be so effective.Accutane, or isotretinoin for severe acne cases and is only available by prescription. Probably the worst side effects of all acne medications control. Pregnant women on Accutane have delivered babies with birth defects. Some newborns have died.Accutane can also change your mood. You can become depressed and suicidal. Some people become aggressive and violent. There have been users who see or hear things that are not there.Know the potential side effects of acne medications taken is for their own good. Discuss all your concerns with a health professional and avoid the anxiety that comes with an unexpected surprise.

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