A surprising number of adults and children are either overweight or obese in the United States today.

Obesity is one of the main contributing factors associated with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, psychological disorders such as depression, and some forms of cancer. Obesity is no longer an adult disease, its prevalence has nearly tripled for adolescents in the past two decades. There are a number of factors associated with the maintenance of a healthy body weight. These include genetics, body composition, environment, and physical activity and their relationship to metabolism, and excessive calorie intake.GENETICS AND METABOLISMCalorie expenditure is not completely dependent on exercise. Metabolism is an involuntary activity affects an individual's ability to burn calories. When awake and resting, burn calories to stay alive, which is considered the resting energy expenditure (REE).The REE between men and women is significantly different. A woman's metabolism is 10-15 percent slower than that of a man, of course, because men have more muscle mass, while women have a higher percentage of body fat.Moreover, the activity of the hormone, like hormones produced by the thyroid gland, set the overall metabolic rate. Body composition, unlike genetics, can be altered somewhat.BODY COMPOSITION AND METABOLISMREE naturally decreases with age due to muscle loss. As a result, the weight loss at a younger age is easier to achieve. In general, loss of body weight daily fat or muscle reduces REE. Note that in the rest of fat burns about 1-2 calories per hour compared to muscle, which burns about 30-35 calories per hour. Therefore, maintaining body weight while decreasing fat and increasing muscle greatly increase REE.ENVIRONMENT AND METABOLISMThe last and most modifiable factors for REE is the environment. Some stimulants can cause a response in metabolism. Two of those that are used in day to day are caffeine and nicotine. Have been reported in studies of two to three cups of coffee can increase REE much as 12 percent. Cigarettes contain nicotine which also stimulate metabolism. People who smoke cigarettes often experience weight gain after quitting. This may be due to reduced ESR and increased caloric intake.Temperature is another environmental factor that affect metabolism. In cold environments, the combination of the release of certain hormones (ie adrenaline) and REE shivering may increase up to 400 percent. REE is raised in warm due to increased cardiovascular activity and sweating.PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND METABOLISMAs seen in the above examples, the metabolic rate is regulated by a number of factors. Exercise, in general, increase your metabolic rate. When exercising your body stored fuel emissions in helping energy production. Remember, your body composition greatly affects the number of calories you burn in a typical day. Therefore, more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn because muscle is metabolically active. Resistance exercise is the best way to increase muscle mass, while aerobic activity is better to increase your circulatory system and strengthen your heart.However, the exercise is only part of the image. In order to maintain a healthy body weight, which should match your energy intake with energy output.EXCESSIVE calorie intake = waist sizeThe average adult consumes about a million calories per year. The human body has evolved to a very efficient system which is why the excessive caloric intake leads to weight gain. For example, if you just ate 50 calories more each day than your energy expenditure, you can expect to gain about five pounds of extra fat per year. This is equivalent to only five chips.Everyone knows that fast food is not the healthiest choice, but millions of people visit fast food restaurants every day. Although fast food is not the only way people get too many calories, is one of the major contributors.If you were to go to Wendy's and Burger sole purpose of Classic Value Meal, which will probably meet half their allotted calories for one day, given that adults were on average in 2000-calorie diet. A classic one, with all the fixings, having about 410 calories, a frying Biggie have about 470 calories, and 22-fl. oz regular soda has about 277 calories, for a total of a whopping 1,157 calories. Now, if Biggie Size that order, the total calories increase to about 1,383 calories.Burger King hamburger is called like that make grilling healthier? Not exactly. A BK Whopper with cheese contains about 850 calories. If you ordered the Value Meal, which includes a large fry and 22 fl. oz soda, food overall has risen to 1,630 calories. Due chicken instead of beef is a healthy alternative, as long as the breast is grilled meat without breading.Metro has been marketing itself as a healthy alternative to other fast food chains. What they do not tell you in the commercials, or mention in print, is that you can have a regular soda, additional seasonings (ie cheese or mayonnaise), or 12 "sub consider that a low-fat or low- calorie food. A 12 "sub grilled chicken breast has about 622 calories without cheese or mayonnaise. No chips, if you added a half floor 22. oz regular soda to the food, which has just been increased to 900 calories. Even worse is the meter signature 12 "meatball sub, which has about 1000 calories.As you can see from the examples above, fast food can really pack calorie-punch. Value meals seems like a great value if you consider the cost of creating their own food in front of a suggestion to you. There is nothing wrong with going to fast food joints once in a while. The problem is when you frequent these places too often. Only total calories mentioned, but I remember that these places not only provide a lot of calories, but high amounts of total fat, especially saturated and trans fats and cholesterol.Therefore, what is needed to burn a Whopper, fries, or a sub everyday? Let me ask you this. "While large meals, which are also supersizing your workout routine?" To burn an average value of food (about 1,500 calories) you can choose any of the following activity:* Run 15 miles in 2 1/2 hours (10 minutes / mile pace).* Take the stairs flight of 7 1/2 hours.* Walking in the light at a moderate pace for 10 hours.* Drive your car for 13 1/2 hours.* Stand for 15 hours.As you can see from these examples, take a excessive amount of activity to burn the calories. So, does this mean you should never eat at a fast food place ever again? No.If you were to go to these places, I tell first look at the calorie content of the foods you intend to purchase. Fast food restaurants should have their data available, nutrition, although you may have to do some searching. Just a few quick tips to cut calories:1. Order little faces with your burgerTwo. Drink soda vs regular dietThree. Load sub vegetables in vinegar and use instead MayBut eating too many calories, but not physically active, are the two main causes of weight gain. If you eat too many calories, you should also increase your exercise routine to compensate for this. The adjustments in nutrition, exercise, lifestyle and, in general, are the best solution. Eat moderate amounts and adjust your day to day activities to reflect changes in the diet.

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