Since our childhood, we've always been taught that getting up early is good for health; and trust us, this is very true. I personally believe that the winners of our world have a habit of waking up early, and they are the people who bring true change around them. This is not just a conception. Rather, this is based on studies which show that those who start their day early are more successful.

A study conducted by the Texas University in 2008 showed that the students who are used to getting up early are able to secure better marks in exams, as opposed than students who prefer studying late into the night. Besides this, early risers are more energetic, optimistic and dedicated towards their work, thereby achieving higher efficiency and productivity.

What does it take to get up early?

If you are one of those people who struggle to start your day early, then this is a must read for you. Waking up early is much easier than you might think. All you need to do is have strong willpower and be ready to follow a strict schedule. The first key to starting your day early is sleeping on time. Initially it is a little difficult to fall asleep for hours after going to bed, but within few days you would find yourself into a good routine. This way you would actually set up your body clock to sleep and wake up at a fixed time. People who start following this process have reported that they do not need any alarm clock to wake them up in the morning.

But before you are actually able to set up your body clock, you really need a good alarm clock; preferably one which won't let you press the snooze button easily. This has become easier with the growth of technology and the increased usage of smartphones. I recently tried an alarm clock mobile app which has complex mathematical calculations. Every time you try to snooze it, it will ask you to answer a complex mathematical question. After every snooze, the complexity of the question increases, thereby ensuring that with every snooze you are putting in more effort. Along with this, when you actually try to turn off the alarm completely, it will throw up a highly complex calculation, ensuring that you are awake and would not think of sleeping again.

So as a concluding note, it would not be wrong to say that getting up early is really easy and completely under your control. It is right to say that health is wealth. So if you are one of those people who love sleeping till late, you must realize the harm of sleeping in and the benefits of getting up early before it's too late.

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