Are you too busy for exercise? Here are six excuses I often hear from people.
Don't have enough time
Most people say the reason they don't do exercise is because they don't have enough time. The truth is, if you want to be healthy simply incorporate easy workouts into your busy schedule. Try to walk when you are few distance from the office. This helps you burn calories. Try to move more around the workplace, take the stairs instead of escalators or elevator. It's a matter of changing a lifestyle and making it a habit. We will always have time, you just need to manage it.
Exercise is boring
The second excuses why people don't exercise is that it is boring. The best way to escape from a boring exercise is to think outside the box and explore other workout plans. There are plenty of exercises you can try that can fit your lifestyle. If you have tried walking as way of exercising, try dancing and aerobics. You can also venture on water sports or outdoor activities. This way you will burn more as well as enjoying what you are doing.
I'm too busy
This is the most common excuse for everybody. We have to admit it; our schedules are busy, yet if we give time for exercises, we can do it. We just need to set priorities. Just as mothers can come to see their child first presentation or a lover willing to call despite having hours of meeting, so can you set time for your exercise.
I'm too tired after working all day
Chances are you are too tired after work and you do not want to do workout. You just want to relax and rest at home. Though you are busy at work, you can still have exercise in the morning. A workout in the morning helps recharge your body. It stimulates your heart, clear out toxins and sets your energy for the day. Even a light stretching will help your body stay fit throughout the day. The more you exercise, the more you have energy for the day.
I'm too lazy
There are people who just want to read books and watch TV. They don't want to move out of their comfort zone. If you are unsure and uncomfortable with exercise, start with a simple activity at home. You can dance at home and still feel comfortable while burning calories.
I'm not athletic
People think that workouts are only for athletes because they need them. Exercise is important and everybody needs it to stay healthy and live long. Just like athletes, we need exercise so we can perform well in our given field.
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